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Revolutionizing The Way You Get Your Prescription Drugs and Their Pricing
America’s Pharmacy Source is a revolutionary home delivery pharmacy with headquarters in a 32,000 sq ft. facility in Akron, Ohio. We are focused on helping the cash paying consumer, with a mission to provide affordable prescriptions and knowledge to under-served Americans. Our experienced team of customer service and pharmaceutical professionals provide the highest level of care when patients need it most coaching them on the best products and practices as well as educating them on therapeutically similar options when available. All of our products and prescriptions are approved by the FDA and sourced in the United States. From acute to chronic needs, and over-the-counter options, our medications are some of the most cost effective in the industry.
Our pharmacists are focused on helping patients achieve the highest quality of life through medication, counseling, education and adherence to the latest pharmacology standards.
Over-The-Counter Medications: Lower Prices Than Pharmacies and Big Box Stores
Through our relationships and buying power, we can supply you with over-the-counter medications comparable to Allegra®, Advil®, Tylenol® and others a a fraction of the cost. Save money on the medications you use everyday and have delivered right to your door!